Friday, February 28, 2014

Such a sweet calling

Emma Kate has been sleeping well lately, but for some reason she woke up tonight before I went to bed.  She stood up and just cried out the sweetest "mama".  I only had to comfort her and she went back to sleep, no need to pick her up.  As I watched her, I couldn't help but wonder what happened when she was still in China and would wake in the night.  Did she cry out?  And if so....what?  I wonder if the other babies in the same sleeping room as Emma Kate disturbed her sleep?  I wonder if anyone comforted any of the babies when they woke during the night. 

I had to snap a pic of her after she fell asleep.  She is so sweet.
I have many images from China that I just can not erase from my memory.  I see them over and over.  One is this crib that EK slept in. 


Every time I lay Emma Kate in her beautiful crib, in my mind I see this little metal crib that she hated so much.  I know because the nanny told us that she cried each time she was put there.  This breaks my heart.
We are so blessed to have this precious child.  I am so happy to put her to bed in Her crib, and be here each time she wakes up so she can call out to her mama.  She didn't even know how to use the word when we got her.  She would repeat "mama" after me, but it took her several weeks after we were home before she learned that she could call out for me by name.  Now, "mama" is her favorite word, and to witness a child finally after almost two years of life learn what it truly a blessing.
Being chosen to greater calling.  Thank you Lord for opening our eyes and hearts to the orphan.

Monday, January 6, 2014

One month home!

We arrived home around 12:30am on December 5th.  I can't believe it has already been a month, and at the same time I feel like Emma Kate has always been here.  She has adjusted beautifully to life with her family.  We all love her so much and I could not have asked for a sweeter child.  She is perfect!

We have seen some changes in Emma Kate over the last month.  When we got her:
~She only wanted me to hold her.  Now she will let her daddy and brothers hold her most of the time.
~When she was upset she would push us away if we touched her, she hasn't done this in a while.
~She wanted to be held most of the time.  Now she likes to get down at most places and walk around.
~Anytime we handed her something she would snatch it from us.  Now she just takes whatever we hand her in a nicer way.
~If she woke when I put her in her crib she would start crying as if she were terrified.  Now she just whines to be picked up but she isn't afraid.
~She had this pitiful little whine when she didn't like something and now we rarely hear it, she usually just has a normal loud cry now.  I really miss that little whine, it was so cute.

Emma Kate has opened up so much.  She can understand a lot of what we say, not sure exactly how much but she responds in a way to indicate she is understanding.  She can wave bye bye and blow kisses.  She has her own version of saying bye bye, mama, kitty cat, and she babbles a lot.  She loves to dance and play peek a boo.  She loves to push her dolls around in her stroller and carry her purse around, it's so cute!  One of her favorite things to do is love her babies.  She will give them a big hug and say "Ooohhh loooove".  It is precious!  She is a very good eater, she loves everything we give her and she eats so much.  She has gained 3 lbs in the month we have had her!  I love how she watches everything we do and just takes it all in.  I can't wait to see her continue to grow more comfortable with us.  I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Gotcha Day
